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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Touch Typing

Today at school we had a touch typing test on sense lang. I don't think I did very good and I know that I can do better, I had trouble finding one of the letters and then I realised that it was on caps lock. I was a bit disappointed with myself and I know that next time I will try a lot harder and I will be practicing up till then.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Maths Week

Term 3 Week Maths Week is happening and Pukekohe Intermediate is celebrating it. We have awesome activities going on like a poster competition, making games, code crackers and even more. Each day we have a class challenge and an individual challenge, we also have a 10:15 sprint and if you win any of these challenges you win a prize for you or your classroom. Room 23 are using a website that lasts for 1 week it is called Maths Week. There are challenges for each day like Maths Millionaire, Maths Millionaire Family, Math Ex and more. You win money (not real money) for getting the questions correct and on Wednesday and Sunday they have an auction where you can bid for prizes. The website is a great way to improve your maths, so next year when it comes to Maths Week make sure you sign up and give it a go.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Maori Language week

Week 2 Term 3 New Zealand celebrated Maori Language Week and the theme was Te Mahi Kai which means the language of food. At Pukekohe Intermediate we had a class activity that had to be completed each morning through out the whole week. Their were prizes to be won from the cool activities and there was a poster competition and even a fishing competition, the class winner of the fishing competition was Room 43 with 11 fish so congratulations to them. This was a fun week to celebrate with all the Maori greatings and fearwells that we learnt each morning. I can't wait ti'l next year round to celebrate it again.